

题 号

总 分

得 分





()1.Whats this?

A. B. C.

()2.What colour is the ruler?

A.Blue.B.Yellow.C.Read.()3.What is the girls name?

A.Kate.B.Lily. C.Catherine.()4.Who is the boy?

A.Frank’s brother.B.Frank’s uncle.C.Frank’s cousin.()5.Where is Tom’s basketball?

A.Under the bed.B.On the bed.C.On the table.第二节(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)



()6.What’s this in English?

A.A pen.B.An orange.C.A candy

()7.Who can not spell it?



()8.Is this Mona’s family photo?

A.I don’t know.B.No.it isn’t.C.Yes, it is.()9.Who is Jenny?

A.Mona’s sister.B.Tony’s sister.C.Tony’s cousin.()10.What’s Jenny’s school ID card number?

A.87789 B.89897 C.89789



Frank’s room




the TV




on the bed


the pencil box

13.in the


the watch

on the sofa



第一节 单选题(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)

16.—Whats this?

—It is ______apple.A.a B.an C.the

17.—Is Mike your_______?

—Yes.Hes my fathers brother.A.brother B.cousin.C.uncle

18.—Whats her_______?

—Its 569-3328.A.last name B.first name C.phone number

19.—Do you often play ______soccer?

—No, I dont like sports

A.a B.the C./

20.—Have a good time!

—________.A.No B.Thank you C.You are welcome

21.This is _____cat.______cat is mine.A.a;A B.the;The C.a;The

22.—Is his hat _______his head?

—Yes, it is.A.on B.at C.in

23.—Are your books on the desk?

—_________.My books are on the sofa.A.Yes, it is B.No, it isnt C.No, they arent

24.This is a photo _______my uncle.A.in B.of C.to

25.—Bye, Tom!

—.A.Thanks B.You, too C.Bye

第二节 完形填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)



Good morning, boys and girls.I 26 your English teacher.My name is Alice Brown.Alice is my 27 name, and Brown is my family name.Look!What’s this? Yes, it’s a photo of my family.There are 28 people in my family.This is my husband(丈夫).He is 29 English teacher, too.But he is not in my school.I have two children(孩子).This is my son.His name is Jim.And that is my daughter.30 name is Gina.They are 31 the same school, but in different classes.Jim is in Class 3, and Gina is in Class 7.They like sports(运动)very much, and they often play sports 32 their friends after school.Look at his jacket.Its size(尺码)is XL.My two dogs are in the photo, too.33 are black and white.()26.A.is B.am C.be

()27.A.first B.last C.one

()28.A.Two B.Three C.Four

()29.A.a B.an C.the

()30.A.Your B.His C.Her

()31.A.in B.on C.at

()32.A.to B.of C.with

()33.A.Their B.They C.Them


Ann: 34 are you? Eric: I’m fine, thanks.And you?

Ann: I’m fine, too.Eric: What’s that in your hand(手)?

Ann: It’s 35 book.Eric: 36 it, please.Ann: B-O-O-K, book.Eric: Well, what’s this in English?

Ann: It is a pen.Eric: Right(正确的).And what 37 is it?

Ann: Blue.Eric: Oh, no.It’s 38.Ann: I see.39 you very much.Eric: You 40 welcome(客气的)!

()34.A.How B.Who C.What

()35.A.an B.a C./

()36.A.Speak B.Spell C.Say

()37.A.color B.time C.name

()38.A.blue B.red C.a red

()39.A.Thank B.Thanks C.Thanks you

()40.A.is B.am C.are





Found: Watch

Is this your watch?

Call Cindy at 448—9012.

Lost: My yellow ring(戒指)

My name is Linda.Phone number :202—3506

Found: Jacket

Is this your jacket?

It is a red jacket.Please call Mona.The telephone number is 678—9921.

Lost: blue and white pencil box

Call Catherine at 456-8700.

Lost:school ID card.Call Mike at 487-2349.

()41.Cindy finds(找到)a ________.A.watch B.ring C.jacket

()42.What color is the jacket?

A.White B.Blue C.Red

()43.Which is TRUE(对的)?

A.Linda lost a watch.B.Mona finds a jacket.C.Cindy lost a ring.()44.If(如果)you found a pencil box, it may be(可能是)________.A.Mike’s B.Catherines C.Tom’s

()45.Mike lost a ________.A.school ID card

B.red jacket

C.blue and white pencil box


This is a photo of a family.The father’s name is Tian Liang.He’s 40.The mother’s name is Ye Yiqian.She’s 35.Their daughter is Tian Yucheng.Her English name is Cindy.She is 11.Their son is Tian Xinchen.His English name is Seven.He is 8.The daughter looks like(长得像)her mother,and the son looks like his father.()46.How many people(人)are there in the family?

A.Two.B.Three.C.Four.()47.What’s Tian Yucheng’s English name?

A.Cindy.B.Angela.C.Linda.()48.How old(多大)is Ye Yiqian?

A.38.B.35.C.9.()49.Who does the son look like?

A.His father.B.His mother.C.His uncle.()50.Tian Yucheng is Ye Yiqian’s ________.

A.son B.daughter C.cousin


This afternoon Alan and Frank do their homework in Mike’s house.At five, Mike and Alan go and play baseball.Frank can’t play it.He doesn’t go with them.He sees some things on the desk.“Let me tidy it up(整理),”Frank says.“The black pencil and the yellow eraser are Mike’s,” he says and puts them in Mikes schoolbag.Then he puts the green pencil and the purple ruler in Alan’s schoolbag.At six, Mike and Alan come back(回来).“Where is my green pencil?” Mike asks.“It’s in my schoolbag.Is my black pencil in your bag?” Alan says.“Yes, it is.And your yellow eraser is in my schoolbag, too,” says Mike.“I’m sorry, boys,” Frank says.“That’s all right, Frank.We should thank you.Next time we will tidy up the desk,”Mike says.()51.Mike and Alan go and play ________.A. B. C.

()52.Frank puts the black pencil ________.A.in his schoolbag B.in Mike’s schoolbag C.in Alan’s schoolbag

()53.Alan has a ________.A.white ruler B.purple notebook C.yellow eraser

()54.Mike and Alan thank Frank for ________.A.doing homework B.playing with them C.tidying up the desk

()55.What can we know from the story?

A.Frank can’t play baseball.B.Mike has a green schoolbag.C.Alan doesnt like Frank.第二节(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)


A panda is a lovely(可爱的)animal.It has just two colors all around the body,white and black.Most pandas live in the southwest(西南)of China.They like eating bamboos(竹子)best, and they also eat other plants and small animals.They eat for twelve hours a day.They sleep under the tree.They can climb trees and swim.Pandas like drinking water, and they often live near springs(泉).Their eyes are big and they are fat.And there are only a few pandas now, so we need to do something to help them.Nowadays(现在), the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan.There is a research centre for nature and wild(野生的)life there.Scientist hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.56.What color is the panda?

57.Where do most pandas live?

58.What do the pandas like eating best?

59.How many hours does the panda eat for a day?

60.Is there a research centre for nature and wild life in Sichuan?

第三节 英汉互译(满分10分)根据上下文内容,将文中画线部分译成汉语或英语。

Kate, Thanks for the photo of your room.61:这里有一张关于我房间的照片 Its nice and tidy.A bed, a table, a bookcase and some chairs are in it.A purple hat and a blue jacket are on my bed.62:我的篮球在我的床下.A green pen, a photo of my family and a yellow clock are on the table: 63:A computer is on the table, too.64:My schoolbag is on my chair.65:Some books are in my bookcase.61:






第一节 补全对话。(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)

A: Hello, Linda.66._______________________

B: No, they are John’s.My pencils are here.A: Is this your ruler?

B: 67._______________.My ruler is green.A: 68.____________________these books?

B: Oh, they’re Anna’s.And the white pen is hers, too.A: 69.____________________________?

B: It’s a cup.It may be(可能是)Mike’s.(Mary meets Mike.)

A: Mike, is this your cup?

C: Yes, it is.70.____________________________

A: You’re welcome.第二节 书面表达(满分15分)

假如你是Jack Smith,你的英语老师让你在下周英语课上介绍你的家人,请根据中英文提示写一篇短文,为发言做准备。









Tom Smith



Mary Smith



Bob Smith


Linda Smith


Hello, boys and girls!

Thank you.




